I still exist.

I’m home! I’ve been home for several weeks but I still haven’t updated my blog about Machu Picchu and the last few weeks of my Chile adventure. I keep saying, “I’ll do that tomorrow,” and then don’t. ENOUGH OF THAT! This is just a little note to say, “stay tuned, cause more blog posts are coming soon.”  Like actually tomorrow.

Okay bye!

~ Debs

beggars all – White Walls

beggars all has taken a new direction musically, and it’s awesome. Here is Zach’s newest single, White Walls.

Give it a listen on soundcloud and download it from bandcamp or noisetrade. It’s free, but if you’re feeling generous, donations are welcome.


beggars all beard

New Home and Twenty One

So there is something important that this blog needs to know. I changed host families. I did this for several reasons but the main one is that Paty took me out to a restaurant with her friends. They all drank a lot and one of them drove us home. I felt unsafe and trapped cause it was my first night in the country and there was a majorly huge language barrier. I was really upset about it so I let some people know and they urged me to change host families. I did feel really bad about it though because Paty is so nice.

But it turned out to be for the better because my new host family is wonderful. I moved around 7pm so we drove up to a beautiful house with all the lights on, old Chilean music drifting through the open door, and honeysuckle vines on the gate and I had a really good feeling about it all before I even met the people or stepped inside. 


(I took that photo in the afternoon two days later so it’s not quite the scene that I described in the above paragraph..but you get the idea.)

My host family consists of an older couple named Manuel and Rosi. They are so sweet and welcoming. Rosi is tiny and talkative and she’s always busy with something or other. Manuel is really tall and soft spoken and he likes to sit in the corner of the living room and nap. They basically complete each other it’s really cute! They are also perfect for me to learn Spanish because Rosi talks to me and Manuel asks me questions and explains words that I don’t understand. 

Downstairs, the house is very Chilean. I need to take pictures of it some time because it’s really quaint and I love it! I don’t even know how to describe it. The kitchen, dinning room, and living room are all open to one another and it is very tastefully and eclectically decorated. It looks a little cluttered but cozy and it would be perfect if it was ten degrees warmer. They also have a dog! A little poodle named something that I always forget. She’s adorable. 

Also, my room is two or maybe even three times bigger than the closet I was in before, and I have a desk. The walls are green and it’s very cute. The first thing I did the next day was clean because there were dust bunnies behind the desk. It’s also very very cold in the house all the time but that seems to be universal all over Viña del Mar. Other than those unwelcome rabbits (which have been disposed of) and being half frozen constantly, the room is very pleasant. 

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These pictures make the walls look Olive Green but it’s more of a Granny Smith Apple green in real life.  I like it a lot.  I also printed out pictures of my family and my Zach and taped them to the walls and it makes me happy. 

Okay story time. Yesterday was my twenty first birthday. I went to the Botanical Gardens with my three friends (See Chile’s Botanical Gardens). Then we bought alcohol to drink later in the evening (I got Pisco Mango) and didn’t get carded! Chile is weird. Also, we ate sooo much Mayonnaise with so much Completos (See Completos and Musical Families). Then we returned to our homes. At 7:30, Tristan, David, and Jihoon came over to my house for dinner and we had an excellent time! My host mom served us appetizers and then made us three kinds of pizza and I couldn’t eat it all cause I was still full from the Completo. We also drank some wine and Pisco Mango. 

We had some very interesting conversation because my host parents don’t speak English, Tristan David and I only speak a little Spanish, and Jihoon is Korean so he speaks zero Spanish and decent English. So no one knew what anyone was talking about so we mostly just laughed. 

It was a jolly good time! 

I’m looking forward to spending the next four months with these people. 

This is what my blog will (tentatively, optimistically) look like:

Sunday: art, fashion, books, music, or something culture related.

Monday: Something I find absolutely hilarious

Tuesday: Short story – either fictional or a memory

Wednesday: Encouragement or a deep thought to get you over hump day

Thursday: How-to, lists, and goals

Friday: My opinion, belief, or something controversial for discussion

Saturday: My personal Week in Review

Everyday: Song of the day, something to do when bored, and Randomness

If I miss a day, I’ll post it asap. It’s all very vague and wibbly wobbly.

First Post

One of my goals for the summer is to start a blog. So here goes…

I have lots of ideas for this blog and I couldn’t decide on one niche to focus on so I’m just going to write about what ever the heck tickles my fancy and y’all can deal. I love a lot of things and I wonder about many more things and I am passionate about things and things are cool and vague too. So keep reading to discover what, exactly, these “things” are! This is why I called my blog “Aesthetic Eclecticism.” It will consist of a broad spectrum of beautiful things ranging anywhere from music recommendations to adorable pictures of my kitten to deep musings about life and love and why.

The first “thing” that I want to tell you about is, perhaps, the beautiful-est and most important part of my life. I am known and loved by the God of the universe in spite of how screwed up I am.

Secondly, listen to Hannah Hunt by Vampire Weekend.

Thirdly, check out this cat. His name is Tater. He’s a prince.
