Beggars All | beggars all

Beggars All | beggars all.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have exciting news! The EP Beggars All by beggars all is finally available for download!

Click on the link, download for whatever price you want (somewhere between $0.00 and $10,000,000,000.00)


Also go here to like the beggars all facebook page.

beggars all – Monsters

Hello Friends,

I have exciting news! Monsters is the first song to be released off the upcoming EP by beggars all. Give it a listen cause it’s amazing!  The artist is Zach Nafziger. He’s super talented. I really love this song because he played it for me on the guitar when he first started writing it. I knew it was going to be good even from the very beginning and it just kept getting better!  I am so incredibly excited that it is finally released for the world to listen and be amazed.

Here are some of the first responses (that I have knowledge of that is) to Monsters:

“That’s amazing it sounds like something I’d listen to on Spotify!” – David

“It also sounds weirdly British! I like it!” – also David

“Make sure and tell him that I think it’s really good!” – basically everyone

“Woah! Your boyfriend wrote this?!? Like he sings it and does all the instruments and stuff!?! That’s so cool!”

“Woooow!! I really like it.”

“he has a good voice. and i liked the beat (not just sayn that cause you’re my friend haha).” – my friend, Elaine, on facebook messenger.

“yayyyyyy!!!! Monsters!!” – me. It’s one of my favorites off of the EP and I may or may not have squealed and danced a happy dance in front of literally everyone when I saw that Zach released it.

Get excited for the upcoming EP cause it’s going to be EPic.  and Also go here to like the beggars all facebook page and get updates regarding production and the release date.


