Winston and Window.

It’s nap time for Winston, but he’s just so cute I can’t resist interrupting his slumbers with a photoshoot!

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Selfie with the kitty!

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He woke up and started drinking water out of my owl mug.

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Then he discovered The Window.  It’s a rainy day, and the water droplets clung to the screen. Winston watched the birds and horses for an entire five minutes before he got distracted by my laptop power cord.

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He’s literally the cutest cat ever. And he’s sort of dominating my blog so I hope all of my followers like kittens.

Of Cats and Laundry Bags.

 Winston loves this thing.


The green thing is my sister’s laundry bag hamper thing whatever it’s called. I put Winston in it just to see what he would do. He looked up at me and then pounced at the button things at the bottom. He soon figured out that if he jumped up, his weight would knock it over. Then he discovered that it rolls when he walks around inside of it. And it makes cool noises when he scratches it! Best new toy ever!



he also loves to torment Tater.


He is so photogenic.

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Winston hid under my guitar stand and watched Tater, poised to pounce, and Tater glared at him, tail twitching irritably. “I dare you.”


Pretty kitty. He’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!!

Are they not just so freakin cute?

I also love to post pictures of my pets. I hope y’all don’t mind cause I sure don’t! 😉

Dogs are the Cutest.

Last Monday we went to Trough Creek State Park with our dogs. Here are pictures of those adorable creatures snuggling on the way home.


awwwww. They’s best buddies ❤


oh hai why you looking at me?


stop looking at me. I don’t like cameras.


Tabby’s front end. She’s so tired she doesn’t even care that Duke is on top of her butt.
