
Hi, I’m Debs. I’m 20 or so, college junior, love my life, etc.

I have lots of ideas for this blog and I couldn’t decide on one niche to focus on so I’m just going to write about what ever the heck tickles my fancy and y’all can deal. I love a lot of things and I wonder about many more things and I am passionate about things and things are cool and vague too. So keep reading to discover what, exactly, these “things” are! This is why I called my blog “Aesthetic Eclecticism.” It will consist of a broad spectrum of beautiful things ranging anywhere from music recommendations to adorable pictures of my kitten to deep musings about life and love and why.

This is what my blog will (tentatively, optimistically) consist of:

A post a day (or every other day) which will consist of one of the seven topics found below, but not necessarily in that order and there might be some overlap. It’s all very vague and wibbly wobbly.

1. Art, fashion, books, music, or something culture related.

2. Something I find absolutely hilarious

3. Short story – either fictional or a memory

  1. Encouragement or a deep thought to get you through the week

5. How-to, lists, and goals

6. My opinion, belief, or something controversial for discussion

7. Exciting (or not so exciting) things that happen in my life.

Every day: Song of the day, something to do when bored, and word of the day, and Randomness


I hope you can find some enjoyment in my (sometimes relevant) ramblings. I certainly do!

Follow me!


Update: I’m currently studying abroad in Chile so there will mainly be posts about my adventures until December.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there Debs,
    Thanks for taking the time to stop my my little corner of the blogosphere, and for the follow. Your support is greatly appreciated, Hope to see more from you,

    Have a great day, 🙂


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